Prime 300 Watt 4-Channel Amplifier R2-300X4
Prime 300 Watt 4-Channel AmplifierR2-300X4
Primed for Performance, the R2-300X4 is a 300 watt, full-range class-D amplifier, capable of operating at 4Ω or 2Ω stereo, and 4Ω bridged/mono. This amplifier is extremely efficient because of its class D technology which reduces demand on the vehicles electrical system. The amp also features C.L.E.A.N. circuitry to help you adjust your gain settings, a P.O.W.E.R. Supply that generates more power as voltage increases.
CEA-2006 Compliant

50W x 4 @ 4Ω
≤1.0% THD+N
Number of Channels
Total Power
(Sum of Rated Power)
(Sum of Rated Power)
300 Watts
Rated Power
(RMS Continuous Power)
(RMS Continuous Power)
50 Watts x 4 @ 4Ω
75 Watts x 4 @ 2Ω
150 Watts x 2 @ 4Ω Bridged/Mono
75 Watts x 4 @ 2Ω
150 Watts x 2 @ 4Ω Bridged/Mono
Dynamic Power
70 Watts x 4 @ 4Ω
115 Watts x 4 @ 2Ω
230 Watts x 2 @ 4Ω Bridged/Mono
115 Watts x 4 @ 2Ω
230 Watts x 2 @ 4Ω Bridged/Mono
Frequency Response
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Input Sensitivity
Low-Level: 150 mV - 4 V
High-Level: 450 mV - 12 V
High-Level: 450 mV - 12 V
Circuit Topology Class
Class D
Efficiency (average)
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD+Noise)
4Ω: <1.0%
2Ω: <1.0%
2Ω: <1.0%
Signal Input
Front Low-Level: 4 RCA
Front High-Level: 4-Pin Molex
Rear Low-Level: 4 RCA
Rear High-Level: 4-Pin Molex
Input Switch: 2/4 Input
(works for RCA/hi-level inputs)
Front High-Level: 4-Pin Molex
Rear Low-Level: 4 RCA
Rear High-Level: 4-Pin Molex
Input Switch: 2/4 Input
(works for RCA/hi-level inputs)
Signal Output
Low-Level: 2 RCA
(Pass-Thru active with RCA or Hi-Level input)
(Pass-Thru active with RCA or Hi-Level input)
Tone Controls
Crossover Controls
Front High-Pass:
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Front Low-Pass:
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Rear High-Pass:
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Rear Low-Pass:
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
All-Pass: Yes
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Front Low-Pass:
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Rear High-Pass:
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
Rear Low-Pass:
50 Hz - 250 Hz @ 12dB/Octave Butterworth
All-Pass: Yes
Remote Controls
Visual Indicators
C.L.E.A.N. In
C.L.E.A.N. Out (front)
C.L.E.A.N. Out (rear)
C.L.E.A.N. In
C.L.E.A.N. Out (front)
C.L.E.A.N. Out (rear)
Power Wire Gauge
Power Input Connector
Compression Terminal Block
Speaker Wire Gauge
Speaker Output Connector
Compression Terminal Block
Operating Voltage
9 - 16 VDC
Recommended Fuse
(not included)
(not included)
60 A
Average Current Draw (13.8V Music)
Max. Current Draw (13.8V Sinewave)
39 A
Suggested Alternator
Dimensional Diagram
Dimensions (H x W x D)
1.9" x 6.8" x 10.1"
(4.9 cm x 17.3 cm x 25.5 cm)
(4.9 cm x 17.3 cm x 25.5 cm)
Shipping Weight